Friday 21 February 2014

Review: The Last of Us: Left Behind (PS3)

the last of us left behind

In some ways it seems like it's been years since I explored the world of Joel and Ellie in the Last of Us. It was a gaming experience unlike any other and it's one that doesn't quickly leave your mind even after it's over. From moments of heartache to ones where your skin crawls at the thought of a Clicker biting your neck, The Last of Us had it all.

Thursday 20 February 2014

Review: Dustforce (PS3)

Dustforce is the kind of indie game that harkens back to the days of the NES, ColecoVision, and my Commodore '64. The basic game design is one part Ninja Gaiden, one part Miner 2049er, and one part Impossible Mission – you must clean up all surfaces of a level using your character's acrobatics and defeat dust covered enemies in the final room.

Simple character design and visuals run counter to the complex level design which will taunt you to try and beat it with not only a fast run, but a perfect one. Death is a minor concern as you'll always be transported back a bit in your playthrough with a chance to retry before your mistake.

Friday 14 February 2014

Review: The Walking Dead - Season 2: Episode 1 (PC)

At the close of The Walking Dead Season 1, developer Telltale Games could have been forgiven for moving on to other stories, to shift the focus from Clementine, the small girl that escaped Season 1, to other people trying to survive the zombie apocalypse. After all, The Walking Dead series -- in the comics, the television show, and the games -- has no compunction about killing off major characters to move the story along.

Season 2 makes Clementine the focus and introduces many new characters, accompanied by an oddly upbeat sensibility. At least, if one were to define "upbeat" by horror, horror everywhere!

Thursday 13 February 2014

Video: The Weekly Checkpoint 88

This week Jeff takes a look at what he feels to be one of the more overlooked developers of the 80s, 90s, and 00s: Irem.